Content sample – The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Christianity
Why do so many American and European Christians struggle with believing for and operating in the supernatural? Many go through a lifetime and rarely if ever see a miracle or experience anything supernatural! The reason is because in the West we have been programmed to walk in and believe in the of the separation of the natural and spiritual realms.
Part 1
Part 2
Read sample chapters below!
Chapter 1 – How Much Influence Does Greek Philosophy Have on Western Christianity?
Chapter 6 – The Natural and Spiritual Divide Verses Mirror Image
Chapter 10 – Politics with a Religious Humility and Poverty Mindset
Chapter 14 – Not Time for Mechanical Response to This Crisis
Conclusion – Whole Lot of Shaking Going On!
The Authority Given to Mankind – buy the book here!
In this book we compare the influence of Greek philosophy on Western Christianity to what Jesus and the early church taught, so you can easily make a distinction between the two. We also examine beliefs that came from the influence of Greek Philosophy, such as vows of poverty, views on politics, vow of chastity, sex in marriage, views on physical suffering and does God have complete control of this earth! We seek to strike the proper balance and compare it all with what the scriptures say regarding these issues.